Register 23 Seats Remaining
Join us for a fun and educational plant swap! Sreelakshmi Suresh, Horticulture Educator with the U of I Extension office, will join us to talk about houseplant care. Registration Required.
Join us for a fun and educational plant swap! Sreelakshmi Suresh, Horticulture Educator with the U of I Extension office, will join us to talk about houseplant care.
Lisa, Programming Coordinator, will also talk about what the library has to offer for gardening resources.
Feel free to bring plant starts to share!
The Suzette Brumleve Memorial Effingham Public Library is the public library of Effingham, Illinois. We have over 50,000 books, magazines, and audio-visual materials and an annual circulation of over 250,000 items. We also offer a wide variety of programs and services.